

Card Ranks

Shown from highest(1) to lowest(10)

LPT Chip Values

Shown from least to most.  These are the general chip values standard throughout LPT games. 

This is a basic guide for playing Texas Hold'em.  The best way to learn is to play; so come on out and join us.

  1. Each player is dealt two cards that are referred to as the hole cards or your starting hand. Once each player has received his starting hand, in succession every player will de)termine if he wants to stay in and continue the hand or not. If your cards are good and they are playable, then you opt to call the blind or raise, If the cards are not to your liking then you will "muck," or throw your hand away at no cost.
  2.      Once you have decided to call the original bet, the dealer will then 'burn' one card (lay the top card face down on the table) and then turn up three cards on a "community" board.  This is called the flop.  Another round of betting (check/call/raise/fold) will begin and this is where a player will decide if her hole cards plus the community cards have the potential to make a winning five card hand.
  3.      When the betting round is over on the flop, the dealer will then burn another card and  add another card face up to the community board.  This card is called the turn.  On the turn, the betting continues and players are given the option of continuing to play by checking/calling, raising the bet, or mucking.  This card is used in conjunction with the players' hole cards and the flop to still try to make the best possible five card poker hand.
  4.      The final round of betting takes place after what is known as the river.  This is the last card put on the community board.  This is the player's last card with which to make the best poker hand.  In this round the betting continues and players still have the option to check/call, raise or fold their hand.
  5.       After all the cards are on the board and all the betting is over, the players will then show their hands starting with the person who was last to bet/raise.  Once everyone has shown their hands the winner will be determined and the pot (all the chips bet) will be distributed to the winner(s).  All cards are then returned to the dealer who will shuffle up and deal again.

If there is any  dispute over rules of play please refer to the WSOP rules Section VI-Poker Rules, Section VIII-Tournament Betting Formats(No-Limit), Section IX-Tournament Game Formats(Texas Hold'em), and Section IV-Participant Conduct and Tournament Integrity(substitute LPT host for Rio Employee) .  A link is provided below.

WSOP Tournament Rules Link 

Once you have decided to call the original bet, the dealer will then turn up three cards on a "community" board. This is called the flop. Another round of betting will begin and this is where a player will decide if her hole cards plus the community cards have the potential to make a winning five card hand.Read more :
Once you have decided to call the original bet, the dealer will then turn up three cards on a "community" board. This is called the flop. Another round of betting will begin and this is where a player will decide if her hole cards plus the community cards have the potential to make a winning five card hand.Read more :
Once you have decided to call the original bet, the dealer will then turn up three cards on a "community" board. This is called the flop. Another round of betting will begin and this is where a player will decide if her hole cards plus the community cards have the potential to make a winning five card hand.Read more :